
Friday, September 15, 2006

Afternoon Folks...

Changed the template and added a few links. Hope you like it. Working towards sticking some photos up. Not sure if that is wise or not so your comments are welcome.

Nothing much happening on the cancer front. Feeling a bit tired not sure if it’s self inflicted or not. I just can't sleep at night. No matter what time I go to bed around 4:30am I wake up then I doze away till 7-8am when the kids get ready to go to school. I get up around then.

Since my diagnosis. I had been given advice on a lot of alternative medicines. Thanks to Jude and Pete's mum - Eileen. I now have a nice culture of Kefir. These are the original probiotic bacteria fungus cultures that came before all other fancy stuff that are on the market now.

Here is the literature that came with it. It tastes like natural yogurt

Kefir grains - a Healing Fungus

Tibetan monks bred this fungus.
It has healing powers.
It regulates the defense mechanism of the body.
It heals heart ailments and reduces cholesterol.
It heals the gall bladder and breaks up gall stones.
it heals the stomach, duodenum and intestines.
This fungus creates “antibiotics” to heal infections.
It heals and stimulates kidneys and bladder.
It prevents the spread of cancer.
This fungus contains many nutrients required by the body.

A professor of medicine at the university hospital in Gleiwitz (Poland) brought the fungus to Europe from Asia. He had been working in India and Tibet when he became ill with liver cancer. While he was in Tibet, monks treated him with this fungus. He was healed completely in 6 months. He is still alive. At his request the monks gave him the fungus as a present.

Nourish the fungus, it is never sold on. It is always a gift.

Care for the fungus

First strain through a non-metal sieve. Drink yoghurt (approx 8 oz). Then wash the fungus for a minute under cold water in sieve. Drink the yoghurt every night before going to bed for 20 nights. Then rest from it for 10 nights and repeat. During the 10 resting nights the fungus must be cleaned daily in the same way it is in use. After it is clean place it in a clean glass or plastic container and add 8 oz milk. After 24 hours at room temperature, strain with a plastic sieve. Drink the yoghurt which has soured and is medicinal.Do not refrigerate, do not touch with metal, fungus doubles in size every 12 to 18 days, nourish your fungus so it may bestow good health upon you.

Notes about the fungus

It acts as a natural antibiotic Never let the fungus comes in contact with metal, 2 and a half tablespoons equal one portion, Do not let the fungus die, nourish it and let it grow, It has been proved to cure illnesses A portion may be given free to a friend Never stop any medication from your doctor Until he/she says so, kefir works very well with all medications As it are natural and a great detox for anyone. Some people call it the milk plant. Reports so far on the healing powers Of kefir grains Many people in Ireland North and South are enjoying the benefits of the kefir grains.

Reports so far are as follows.

Kidney infections cured in adults and children, cholesterol readings coming down, blood pressure reduced, skin problems disappearing, arthritis easing, colitis healed, cancerous tumors shrinking, chest problems easing, all bowel, bladder and stomach problems disappearing. If you don’t believe this just try it out, it’s free. No one is making money, see and feel the change in your body, and be grateful to the person who offers you a portion of kefir, they will have a good experience of the healing benefits. For more information go to the internet, any search engine will give you all the information you need.


If anyone want to try it out please post a comment or contact me. I will gladly pass some on.

I would further add that if you are on medication. Please do not stop your current medication until you had consulted your GP or Consultant. I take the kefir yoghurt along with my current medication. I don't take the attitude that the kefir yoghurt drink will cure me of my cancer.

I just use it as what it is - yoghurt drink - that will help my digestive system.

That's all for now..


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