
Monday, October 09, 2006

Afternoon Folks,

I did not get much sleep last night, I kept looking at the time on the ceiling. Give up about 2 am as I went to bed at 10PM on Sunday. So took a couple of "sleepers" and nodded off. Just when I was enjoying my sleep, my right calf decided to give me the worst cramp ever at 5.30am. It was like someone was sticking a few knifes in and turning them about. Elaine woke up and started to give my calf a rub. This helped to improve the circulation and it eventually went away. I wouldn't know what I do without her.
Not too sure what caused the cramp but I think it's a combination of the side effects and the exercise on the rebounder yesterday. It was the first time I used it since Chemo day. Just thinking since Chemo day I had been getting a few spasm in most muscles. Especially when I tried to put a little bit more effect in doing things. Maybe it's time to take things a but more easy from now on. But that is no excuse to sit back and do nothing. I will keep to my regime to get my body healthy and fit. It will just take a longer time than I thought.

Today started well then I became slightly down while out shopping with Elaine. We were up at Liffey Valley for a wander about. Then I started to feel the cold and started getting the hot and cold flushes. Of which got me down slightly. I back at home now after a visit to a Health Food shop to stock up an some food supplements that will help me to fortify my body. I was talking to the owner a very nice women called Pat. She recommended a website that home delivers organic products. There are some interesting links there too.

Good news - I got a pair of long johns today. So I will get out to walk more as I can now keep my legs warm :)
Bad news. - We also bought a set of scales today and I weigh 12 and half stones. I had lost about a stone in two weeks and in total 2 and half stones since August. Elaine said I look well but we need to watch that weight of mine. It says in the books that cancer suffers may lose weight due to malnutrition. Well that is not happening to this body...

Well I that's all for now. Might go for a nap..



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