
Friday, October 26, 2007

Small Update Before Bedtime.

Well Folks,

I had an eventful day today. I had another abdominal drain put in my left hand side. So now I have 3 tubes sticking out of my body and the stoma. But what a relief I am feeling. From the new drain 4.5l was extracted already today and my stomach feels much better.

I also had my staples taken out. There were a few painful ones but it was worth it as they were sore to touch.

Well the rest of the day was fuzzy as I had a wee sedative during the inserting of the new drain and that hit me later on. Elaine and Sam were visiting and I was out of it. I just kept sleeping. I woke up a few times but was very fuzzy and only manage to stay awake for half an hour or so before I fell back to sleep.

Talk about sleep I better get some now as I had dozed off a few times writing this entry.

Nite all,


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